i am the family photographer, which i love. i have stacks of photo albums filled with moments of laughter & love, big events, holidays and just everyday life. my "pseudo hubby" doesn't really know how to work the camera. he's getting better, but the reality is that i am not featured in many of these photos because i am behind the camera. i've often wondered if someday when my son gets older and looks back thru our memory albums if he'll know how much i was there. as it is now, we'll curl up on the couch together and flip thru the pages of the albums. i'll tell stories of him as a baby, or remind him of the time we did this or that.
then the other day, our family went for a boat ride. i was snapping photos of the beautiful scenery when "the monster" turns to me and says "mommy, take our picture". well, i'm notorious for stealing kisses. so, i replied, "give me a kiss and i will".
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