Tuesday, December 8, 2009


about 6 months ago, "pseudo hubby" came home with plans to build "the monster" a tree house.  he sat at the counter in our kitchen and explained the layout to me.  then, after a few minutes of silence, he says "you know, 'the monster' is not going to have anyone to play with in the tree house.  maybe we should think about having another baby."

well, what he didn't know is that i had been thinking about it for a long time!  you can guess the rest of the story...

here is out little "bump", as we call him/her.  i just had the 12 week sonogram last week and "bump" is thriving and healthy!  even though i have been thru this before with "the monster", i am still completely blown away at the miracle that is happening inside me.  i could see the heart pumping, and view each and every vertebra in "bump's" back.  it's breathtaking.  i am so grateful to God for this miracle and for the science that has been developed so that i can witness "bump's" growth.

o, and for those of you who are wondering, that is just the baby's right foot peeking out...  not an indication of the gender. 

congrats to all of "bump's" grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and future friends!  and thank you to all of those same people for their continued support and shared joy!

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