after my first triathlon!
a couple years ago, i decided to quit smoking. i knew i couldn't just quit because i wanted to. i had to make myself
hate smoking. the problem was (and still is after i have a couple glasses of wine and a good meal), that i
love smoking. so i decided in order to replace that love with hate, i would expand what smoking deflates... my lungs.
last august, i completed my first triathlon. with the inspiration of my friend "uraggen", i trained for almost a year. i completed my second triathlon this past june. i am signed up to compete in a 60-mile bicycle race this september. here's how i got to where i am today:
- i started with 2 miles minumum. i walked some of it until i could run the entire way. i did this 3 times a week
- i increased my running distance each week (up to 5 miles). i can't run all day, after all, i have a pre-schooler.
- i began biking 12 miles a couple times a week. this was easy to increase... biking is fast and you discover things you don't when you drive. remember to take your camera if you can.
- swimming... brrr! this is my most hated training excercise, but lucky for me, i'm good at it. i really don't train much, 'cause i know i can do it. for those you struggle with swimming, here is a great link for inspiration: http://www.active.com/swimming/
- then i mixed it up. many people don't realize just how awkward it is to get off your bike and start running. your legs feel super weird. start with shorter distances than you would if you were doing just one sport alone. like bike just 6 miles and run 1.
- add in sprints! my friend "lg" at work turned me onto this. i will run/bike/swim... whatever, at regular pace for just warm up. then i will sprint as fast as i can. this is so incredibly awesome because you feel like a kid! who sprints? no one. except kids. it's great.
a great link to help keep your routines from getting old:
http://www.mapmyrun.com/it's funny that quitting one habit can change your life so much. i have not only expanded my lungs and become stronger all over, but i have become a healthier eater as well. i want to eat well so that i can perform at my best. i also watch way less television (who has time when you've got to train?!). my stress level has decreased dramatically as well. work, arguments, a screaming kid, all seem much less aggravating after a long run.
make a change in your lifestyle. get moving. and good luck.