Monday, May 24, 2010

candy bar goodie bags

my son's birthday party was this past weekend.  instead of giving away goodie bags filled with batman whistles & car stickers, we built a candy bar.  "the monster" loved going to the candy store and choosing which items we would provide...  he did lots of taste testing.  i then put all the different types into glass jars and displayed them on our kitchen table.  at the end of the party, everyone went thru this buffet and filled their bag.

i knew it was a successful idea when the kids came running in from outside and i heard squeals & screams as they rounded the corner and saw their treats displayed out in front of them.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the candy! Bryce normally doesnt like too many sweets but he ate almost the entire bag that you gave us. He said, "Monster must like all the candy that I didn't know I liked."
