Thursday, August 18, 2011

pom pom tutu :: design love

i was walking thru the artist tents of the farmer's market the other day and ran across this little gem. isn't it the cutest, most-fun-party skirt you've ever ever seen? it was very difficult to pick just one to purchase. in fact, i had "the monster" choose. we decided to give it to someone very special for some sort of very special event coming up.

so you want to know who the artist was? well, i'll tell you. and i'll give you her link. but unfortunately, it won't do you much good. i believe she's the type of artist that sells her stuff so quickly in her local shop and at the markets that she can't keep up on etsy. you just must come visit me and go in person.

o, and look what else i bought below. i couldn't help myself.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for the post! It's true that my Etsy shop is rather sorely neglected, but readers can feel free to check out the tutus at local shows (I'll post those on the shop page) and at The Blue Door in Downtown Springfield. Thanks!:) Jordan
