Monday, April 26, 2010

birthday invite :: graphic design

i've started working on "the monster's" birthday invite.  the plan is to have a few friends over from preschool and play in the new tree house (i'm crossing my fingers it's complete by the party).  what do you think - can you tell it's a tree house?  maybe i should line the bottom border of the invite with some grass?

we are only having a small group of friends over, so at first i had planned to do the invitations with watercolor.  then i began thinking about how i could carry over the little picture to goodie bags and thank you cards.  i played with the transparency however, to keep with my original inspiration of the watercolor.

i'll keep you posted on the tree house - "psuedo hubby" promises it will be finished soon!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

nursery table

"psuedo hubby's" parents had this beautiful changing table made for the new baby.  each time i pass the room i peak in and almost loose my breath at how amazing it is.  thoughtful grandparents that they are, the table is made of reclaimed barn wood and there isn't a single nail or screw in it!  the wood is smooth and the pattern is something you can get lost in.

ben kruger of beaver creek woodworks is the genius creator of this lovely table.  his work is the absolute finest i have ever seen and he puts massive amounts of energy in making a project especially crafted for each client.

this is obviously an heirloom piece that will be passed down to my children's children and on.  when we aren't using it as a nursery table, the table can be used as a dry bar in a dinning room. 


Sunday, April 18, 2010

herb garden :: container gardening

each april, i plant a container garden full of herbs on my sun porch.  it's the first thing i plant, with the exception of a few seeds this year.  it serves me all year long - i use the fresh basil & mint a lot in the summer, then i hang the plants each fall to dry them out.  i then store them and use for cooking until the next summer comes.

here are a few tips on growing your own herb garden:

like other mints, is a sun-loving plant that isn't too fussy about the soil it occupies as long as it is moisture retentive with good drainage.

prefers full sun and well drained soil.  pick flower buds as soon as they appear - the leaves turn bitter after flowers bloom.

plant in a sheltered spot with full sun light.  it is a perennial that will survive the winter but will last for only about 3 to 4 years.  flavor is best from mid june to mid july.

an area with full sun is best, but this plant can tollerate significant amounts of shade.  chive flowers are edible and make a beautiful addition to any salad!

dill can be grown almost anywhere. it can tolerate wet or dry areas and rich or poor soil.  i find that it does best in cooler weather however so i usually reduce harvesting during the hot summer months.

likes a lot of sunshine but will tolerate some shade.  this plant will develop small flowers in late spring.  bring inside during the winter and place in a window... they make an excellent mini-christmas tree too!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

dys blog :: graphic design

i don't really post much about my professional work.  this blog is more of a hobby release for me, but i am in total aww of the new dys blog!  tom z from lrs web solutions did an incredible job graphically, as he also did for the main site.

i know most of us (definately including myself) have no idea what it's like to be on a yacht, let alone own one.  if you're stuck in your office reading this right now, go ahead, click around on the dys site.  it's an absolutely breathtaking break from reality!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

black & white :: film photography

a few months ago, i bought my first nice film camera and lens.  i have recently been developing my own film & prints thanks to the super kind people at capital area career center who let me use their dark room and enlargers!  i have become addicted.  anyway, once the baby comes, i'm not so sure i will keep up the development process, but i know i won't be able to stop shooting film.  the b/w it produces is so rich and deep, something i can never get shooting digital.  here are a few of my favorites from the last roll...

Sunday, April 4, 2010

fresh cut flowers

The day the Lord created hope was probably the same day he created Spring.  ~Bern Williams

"the monster" picked these flowers for me yesterday evening.  i'm pretty sure that the only one that is from our own yard is the dandelion.  happy easter!