Wednesday, March 31, 2010

how does your garden grow? :: etsy finds

so, i have a friend that waits until mother's day each year to plant her flowers.  i can't wait that long.  as soon as we get a day in the 70's, i'm outside prepping the soil, cleaning up the yard, etc.  this year, i did something extra to teach my son a little science lesson.  we planted seeds.  and some of them are actually growing!

we still have cold nights and some cold days ahead of us...  which is why my friend waits until mother's day.  here are a few gardening items from etsy to satisfy you while we anxiously wait!

lavender antique spoon garden marker - there are a bunch of these on hammer mann's site.  i just love them.

the intrinsic garden sells this lovely necklace.  the tiny pink flower adds a spring touch, but this could be worn all year long.

wood burning is so cool.  this piece by unconventional ida would look lovely in a porch window among other greenery. 

i've never seen a hummingbird feeder so beautiful and unique.  bird artist made this kolkwitzia flower feeder out of polymer clay. 

go ahead... say it with me... "ahhhhh".  so cute.  every little love needs a modBonnet by ub2 to keep the sun away while mommies and daddies garden!

1 comment:

  1. I start gardening the first weekend of Spring. Gardening is very relaxing for me.

    Thank you very much for showing the antique spoon garden marker!
