Monday, March 8, 2010

maple syrup time

as i've mentioned before, i live in the middle of the woods.  each february, you can peer out any window in my home and see a milk jug attached to a sugar maple tree.  just seeing this makes my mouth water for the sweet taste of homemade pancakes and syrup!

this weekend, my family and i went on a tour/hike at lincoln memorial gardens to learn exactly how to make our own.

 once you find a sugar maple tree, drill a hole about 4 feet up from the ground. 

you then hammer in the tap.


after attaching the milk jug you wait.  depending on the temp outside and the age of the tree, the sap can fill a gallon jug pretty quickly!  the best time to tap a tree is when the daytime temp is about 30 - 40 degrees and the night time is 20 - 30 degrees.  this is when the sap starts to flow up the tree.
once the sap is collected, you begin to cook it down into syrup.  you will need a very large volume pan and lots of time.  this can take hours and hours.  watch it close and taste it often! 

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