Monday, February 21, 2011

a special day :: personal story

yesterday was "psuedo hubby's" birthday!  we celebrated with a party on saturday with friends and then a big family dinner last night.  everyone is wore out and i am grateful for the extra day off today.

each year on this special day, i send "psuedo hubby's" mom, "princess", flowers for all of her hard work.  who to be more appreciative of for the man i love than his mother?  30 years ago yesterday, she went thru intense pain to welcome her first son.  and each day after that has been filled with emotional work that only a mother can understand.  i'm sure it has been joyous and heartbreaking, wonderful and difficult, lovely and angry.  it's certainly a day to be celebrated...  the first day they met.  happy birthday my love.  and thank you "princess". 

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