Tuesday, February 15, 2011

while you were sleeping :: polaroid photography

before i begin, i want you to know that i realize how ridiculous this is.  but i can't help it.  i do ridiculous stuff to play with my son.

last saturday, as i was tucking "the monster" in for his nap, he told me he didn't want to go to sleep because his toys would play without him.  i laughed, because as a child, i really believed this too.  i was certain that my dolls had a life of their own when i wasn't looking.  anyway, the two of us started talking about what exactly his toys did while he was sleeping.  he thought they made big messes and then cleaned them up perfectly.  when he told me this, i was filled with humor & pride that my son has such a wonderful imagination. 

he eventually fell asleep.  when he did, i just couldn't help myself.  i set up and took the pictures below.  when "the monster" woke up, i told him all about how i secretly caught his two favorite things (the cookie jar & his sleeping buddy) on film.  i told him they are best friends.

p.s. i shot these photos with my old 600 and used film from the impossible project

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this!!!! I love how in photo 1, Sleeping Buddy is so leisurely with his legs crossed. I love that he has a purse/suitcase in #2 and that he's clearly struggling to get up the bookcase in #3 & Cookie Jar just stands there with that dumb grin on his face. Pull it together C.J....your friend's in trouble!
