Tuesday, March 1, 2011

cake stand cuteness :: project idea

i know you've seen this before.  i still love the concept.  random plates, bowls, candle holders, pots, etc all put together with cake and cupcakes for an adorable presentation!

i decided to try this myself and started the hunt for cute randoms a couple months ago.  once i found the, i had the most fun mixing and matching my pieces.  but, the construction didn't turn out to be as easy as i thought.  first, i tried just super glue for the adhesive...  this did not work.  not nearly strong enough.  i also ran into a problem with the surfaces.  some of them weren't smooth, which made my tray unlevel.

of course "pseudo hubby" came to the rescue!  i presented my problem, he disapeared into the garage for a minute and then started crafting.  yes, that's right, i am telling you all... my "pseudo hubby" crafted these lovely trays.  proof below...

this small raise in the surface messed up everything

duct seal...  a wonder worker!

the duct seal hardens and joins the two surfaces together

i love them.  i can't wait to have a party with lots of desserts!


  1. Lovely! Where did you find the square platters with the adorable handles? I need those at my house.

  2. These turned out great! The green and red on is my favorite!
