Wednesday, March 16, 2011

expand your horizons :: personal story :: event

each year, i have the pleasure of presenting along with a team of talented women at the expand your horizons conference at our local college.  this event is geared towards junior high girls and encourages them to look towards careers in math, science, technology & engineering.  as a young girl of that age, i can remember wondering when i would ever use the algebra my teachers were drilling into my head...  turns out i use it every day in my career.  so what this conference does is show girls how fun these subjects can be someday...  and exactly how they will use them if they choose a career in "________".

the event is broken up into multiple workshops and the girls can attend 3 workshops thru-out the day.  our workshop is based on teaching the girls entry-level html & css (web programming languages) by creating their own photo gallery.  by the end of our session, each girl will have a link to their personal gallery and will be able to upload images well after the conference.  they can also share their gallery on facebook (which is what every pre-teen wants anyway, right?).

for a little show-and-tell, the fun women on my panel, along with "bump", who happened to be with me at work one day, made the following galleries.  for a good laugh, please click on the images below so you can see each in it's entirety.  note: if you are using IE, you will need to right click on the active-x warning and allow content.

interested in participating in the eyh conference? (it's not just a local thing).  check out the eyh website here.

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