Monday, January 25, 2010

stuff swap

it's mid-january and it seems that everyone i have talked with has been spending the month sorting closets, cleaning out attics, and generally organizing their home.  with the new baby on it's way, we have certainly been doing much of the same.  last weekend, a few friends came over for brunch and a "stuff swap".  here's how it worked:
  • each person could bring up to 20 quality items that they would otherwise donate / throw out.
  • as we displayed the items we put white stickers on the things that were part of the "swap".  this way, there was no confusion about what was part of the house, and what was part of the "swap".
  • after brunch and a few drinks, we drew numbers to decide who got to "shop" first.  we each took turns choosing one item from the display.
  • every item was free and equal.
  • after everyone was done "shopping", we loaded up the truck and sent "pseudo hubby" off to goodwill.
this gave us all a little joy knowing that something we once had was now making a friend happy!  plus, it is such a great feeling to actively recycle.  i let "the monster" pick out a couple items and he snagged some fun art!  here are some pics from the party:

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