Monday, February 15, 2010

makeover :: laundry room / project place

as my tummy gets bigger and bigger, i keep thinking about all i have to do before "bump" comes.  one of the first task was to clear out my project studio to make room for the nursury.  i have to admit i completely loved having an entire room devoted to painting, printing, wrapping & crafting.  i was overwhelmed with moving it all because i have piles and piles of papers, paints, and other things.  i am guilty of starting projects in the middle of other projects and never putting the supplies for the first away.  it was a task i was not looking forward to.

another small detail that made this less fun was that i was actually moving everything into the laundry room.  a small laundry room.  with a furnace.  in the basement.

"pseudo hubby" came to the rescue and cleaned all the dust out.  he also put up wall coverings to hide wires & holes.  he bought and assembled a shelf for me so i could get organized.  and organized i got!  below are the before and after pics.  although it's a little cramped, i am thrilled about my new space and i am pledging to keep it neat & clean!

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