Monday, February 7, 2011

me, on facebook :: personal story

can i tell you how much i love and appreciate my "pseudo hubby"?  we're a good team.  well, this past weekend, our team was down one (he's out of town for a few days), and i was out-numbered by our children.  and it was hard.  little "bump" is sick and screamed the entire time unless he was being held or sleeping.  the sleeping didn't happen much.  so...  i held him.  a lot.

now.  with a pathetic baby clinging to my arms and resting on my hip, i couldn't get much done.  i only had one side of my body to use.  what could i do?   i'll tell you.  i joined facebook.  yep.  resolution, check

this is my profile pic.  exciting eh?

my fan page for cp :: photography

so, i'm still figuring out a lot of things.  facebook is not the most user friendly.  for example, i wish i could have separate "friends" for my fan page and my personal page.  i am also not totally sure how the two interact.  i still have lots of reading up and "friend" interviewing to do.  i might be the last person in the world to join this social site, so, please! please! please! shoot me any advice in the comments below.  o, and if you want, we can be "friends".

here's me

here's cp :: photography

1 comment:

  1. it used to be a lot easier. now, its hard for me to even find where to change this or that or upload videos. but welcome anyway!
