Wednesday, February 9, 2011

girl 1, girl 2, girl 3 :: painting :: mixed media

i began these paintings months ago.  the first was the one directly above - sort of a self-portrait.  i think the absolute hardest thing to draw/paint is yourself.  it's difficult enough just to be completely happy with the image of myself in the mirror most days...  so being satisfied with a painting of myself that i myself painted is, well, never gonna happen.  but!  i do like a challenge.  and, thankfully, i do have an open heart and mind when it comes to art and this is art, so what the hell.  i went for it and i am proud of myself for doing so...  even if it did take months (and looks only vaguely like me).

i really enjoyed the whimsical characteristics of my self-portrait, so i then created the other two girls.  and i think i might create more.  i mean, i am building inventory for my looming etsy shop anyway.  so, i guess it will be full of trees and girls.  great combo.

o, and if you are wondering why the girl on the left looks strange but can't quite put your finger on why, i did the same thing.  for two days.  and then i realized i forgot her pupils.  duh.

1 comment:

  1. These are fantastic!! I love the 3rd one because the background looks like a dark-eery forest (at least it looks that way on the computer) but she's so whimsical & adorbs! Nice juxtaposition. You're so talented. Loves.
