Wednesday, April 13, 2011

died market bags :: project idea

"pseudo hubby's" grandma turned 84 this week!  she is such an inspiration as she lives alone in her own house, still drives herself to church on sundays, and is quite possibly one of the funniest people i know.  we love her very much. 

i find it difficult to give her gifts however because she has the walls of her home layered with years and years of artwork from her children.  she has pajamas.  she has pretty headbands and hats.  she has lots of things to dust.  this year, i was especially excited about our gift to her because she can actually use them.  and we made them.  and they are adorable.

although i was thinking that our project would turn out something like this, it didn't.  with "the monster", nothing ever really turns out the way i imagined it would.  but, truthfully, i think our market bags turned out more interesting & therefore i love them.  so does grandma.

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