Friday, February 28, 2014

friendship bracelets :: diy :: jewelry

i remember being a kid and packing up all of my string to spend the night at my best friend's house. we would braid, twist and knot for hours filling up our arms with friendship bracelets. they were colorful, stylish, and you could shower with them on! i'm not sure why i ever stopped making them!

so... the other day, i modernized the idea a bit. by adding a thick chain for some of the length, they take on a more mature look - don't you think?

i did have to teach myself how to create them again. do you remember? if not, below are some great tutorials on some easy-but-complicated-looking styles:

Thursday, February 27, 2014

a prepared donation :: personal story

not too long ago, "the monster" was looking out the window as we drove and noticed a homeless man.

"mom", he said, "we should give that man a ride; i think he's cold."

well, of course he was cold, it was probably negative something out and he was homeless. no home. no car. hell, i didn't even see a blanket.

for a second, i pictured myself pulling over and offering to take the man to get something to eat. he would climb in the car, smell terrible most likely, and freak my kids out. freak me out. plus, you know, he could rob or kill us. i was afraid. yeah, i was too scared to do that.

second option: i could pull over and give him money. then, the man could buy his own dinner in a warm restaurant... or buy drugs. or alcohol. yeah, scratch that idea too.

i walked through my fears with "the monster" and explained why we couldn't help the homeless, car-less, blanket-less man on this negative degree day/week/entire winter. then, "the monster" had a great idea that propelled me into a moment of pure pride of my son's huge heart. he thought we should put together packages of food and pass them out to all the homeless people in the city.

well, i'm not totally sure where to find all the homeless people in the city, but we did put together little packages of snacks, water, tissues, etc. now, we will always have them in our car and when we find a homeless person asking for help, we can help them! we can provide for them without fear. and, my son can learn what it feels like to do acts of kindness... like his huge heart is pulling him to do.

i encourage you friends, to do the same. clean out your cupboards and make little packages for the homeless and/or needy. carry them with you and help when you can. it's so simple, yet so huge. xoxo

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

vintage bottle chandy :: diy

i collect vintage glass. what's funny is that it's not at all intentional. i just pick them up here or there because i love the color or size or shape. it wasn't until i had 3 shelves full of glass bottles & vases that i realized i'm a serious collector. i seem to always find fun uses for them and today i am sharing one!

this chandy was really pretty simple to create. i used wire to secure the bottles to a large ring. then i strong more wire (4 pieces) to attach a top tier (smaller metal ring). this gave it a layered look. lastly, i adhered each connection with hot glue so that they wouldn't slide and cause unbalance.

this would look amazing on a sun porch. or above a bed! i have flowers of the fake variety stuck in there now, but i'm really looking forward to spring when can fill this baby up with some water and fresh blooms!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

beer cake :: diy

last week, hubby celebrated his 33rd birthday. now, if you know my husband, you know his pure love for natural light beer (in a can and sometimes even at room temperature). he's weird.

but, you know, i love that weirdness, so i made him a birthday (beer) cake! when posted the picture on facebook, i received such a reaction, i thought i should share how i did it on here:

  1. you'll need a 30-pack of cans, cardboard cake circles, ribbon, clothespins and candles
  2. you can buy your cake circles in different sizes or cut them down. i used an exacto knife to cut mine. make sure you have a small, medium and large size
  3. begin layering the cans so that they fill out each circle. be sure to put some in the middle for support as you stack them
  4. wrap ribbon around each layer for a little decoration
  5. use clothespins to prop up each candle at the top.
and that's it. so easy. and to be honest, even my kids thought i was cool (which i'm not so sure is a good thing) but hey. at least they know i love their dad. xoxo

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

big ears :: abstract art

if you follow me on facebook or instagram, you have figured out now that i'm obsessed with my bunny. well, really, any bunny.

so... this is happening now.

i like my new little abstract pieces. they make me laugh. and... i mean... it would be kinda cool to have bunny ears. right?

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

he/she sculpture :: personal story

you know, i'm weird. so it's really only fitting that i make & give my husband something weird for valentine's day.  here is the "sculpture" i made him. you see, he's the big, spikey piece and i'm the prett, delicate flowery piece. i'll let you think about what the on/off switch is for. {wink, wink}

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

valentine packages :: gift idea

this valentine's day, how about surprising some friends with a cute package of thoughtfulness?!

the one pictured above includes:

  • mason jars with chalkboard labels
  • chalk
  • paper straws (aren't they adorable?)
  • jones flavored soda (wrapped with paper doilies)
  • candy and treats
and, the one thing i forgot to add was a toothbrush and some insulin. ha!

Friday, February 7, 2014

boyish good looks :: personal story

the other day, "the monster" was looking at a kindergarten picture of my husband. "do you think i look like daddy?" he asked. "well, actually sweetie, you look a lot like me" i replied.

"what?! you mean, i look like a girl?" he was appalled.

after calming him down with age-appropriate reasoning, i began recalling having the very same emotions as a child. besides for the color of my eyes, i favor my father. or at least i did when i was a child. i have his large nose (which was unproportionally giant as i faced my teen years). i have his long face. i have his darkness under the eyes. the good thing is, i have his childish sense of humor and vibrant personality, so that makes up for it. {wink, wink}

now, as an adult, i see more of my mother. i'm aging like her. my eyelid skin is beginning to fall onto my eyes. i have her laugh lines. i have the faint beginnings of a vertical line between my eyebrows. what i didn't inherit are her high, strong cheek bones that make any women look young at any age. o well...

so, here i am. with no makeup. i think i look like a boy. i don't like it, but i don't hate it either. it's just me... the "me" that my parents made from scratch. the "me" that has learned, as i've matured, to love the inside more than the outside.

so. now, i've done it. i've braved your judgement and posted a picture online of myself in my most boyish and rawest state. i feel courageous and so, that part makes me feel beautiful. do you go out without makeup? it's pretty liberating. it feels like i'm saying to the world... "f-you, i'm pretty on the inside!" and that feels good!!!

anyway, i'm still gonna wear makeup most days. let's not get crazy here. hell, i can't even avoid the packaging of the makeup in the store. it's pretty and it promises to make me pretty. what's not to like? but, you know, if you need an extra self-esteem boost someday... you might just try it. just shower and walk out of the house. no fuss. it will feel good i promise.